The Empowering of Alumni Role Through Tracer Study of Bandung Nursing Department


Haris Sofyana
Asep Setiawan
Ali Hamzah


Background : This research is motivated by Bandung Nursing Department which is obliged to produce graduates who are able to well contribute in development in accordance with their fields of education through Tracer Study. Tracer study is alumni search study to find out alumni activities after graduation, the transition from academic to working atmosphere, working situation, competency acquisition, and the competency application in the working activities and in the career record. The purpose of this study is to provide suggestions for the education development in the Nursing Department. This research describes the effort of alumni role empowering through tracer study of Bandung nursing department

Method :   Design and type of research in this study is descriptive evaluative with a survey method approach, research that seeks to describe the profile of graduates of the Nursing Department of Health Polytechnic Bandung. All data were collected through questionnaire surveys and analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. The survey was conducted on the main aspects of alumni search, namely education history, work history, relevance of education to the job, learning experience and advice for the Bandung health Polytechnic, competency indicators and competitiveness. In addition, a survey was conducted on stakeholder evaluations of alumni performance, workplace characteristics and alumni responses / perceptions of the learning process in the Bandung Nursing Department. Population and Research Sample are all graduates / alumni of Bandung nursing department from 2014 to 2016. Samples are used using total sampling for all graduates in 2014-2016 which are 273 graduates.

Result and Conclusion:  The results of the research obtained were that several graduates of the Bandung Nursing Department worked in various health service settings, both Government and private. Alumni have expertise in the field of nursing, Alumni Relations with the Bandung Nursing Department are not well managed, the alumni's satisfaction with their job and scientific fields is very good, and the relevance of the curriculum with the alumni's working atmosphere is quite good. The conclusion of this study is that alumni role empowering through tracer study has not been effective in fostering the interest and perception of alumni to contribute to the alma mater.