Knowledge and Selection of The Intrauterine Device Among Women in Sumedang District


Ida Widiawati
Sri Mulyati
Ulfah Kurniaty


Background: Sumedang has low Intra Uterine Device (IUD) acceptors coverage. It was 5.7% in 2011, decreasing to 5.2% in 2012. The region with the lowest IUD coverage was the Haurgombong Health Center in Sumedang district (4.8%). The problem was multifactorial, one of them is a factor related to knowledge of the IUD.

Methods: The research method was a cross-sectional study with a sample of 190 respondents. Data collection using a questionnaire, analysis with chi-square test.

Results: The group of women who had knowledge about the IUD more used the IUD (16.5%) compared to the group of women who had low knowledge (2,3%). Statistical test results showed a significant association (p value 0.001). Women who used an IUD tend to have more knowledge about the IUD (Hlandky, 2011). In this study, women who were knowledgeable about the IUD used more IUDs. The lowest level of knowledge is related to follow up after IUD (85,3%), and how the IUD works (55,3%).

Conclusion: There was significant association between women's knowledge's and choice of using an IUD. Counselling or health education about the IUD need to be developed and increase



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