Background: The high incidence of cervical cancer which is the cause of female death can be prevented by early detection of precancerous lesions. Precancerous lesions are abnormalities of the cervical epithelium due to changes in epithelial cells. Early detection of precancerous lesions can prevent precancerous lesions from progressing to cervical cancer if prompt treatment is taken. Early detection of cervical cancer is important for all married women to prevent the occurrence of cervical cancer which can be done through an IVA test (Visual Acetic Acid Inspection test) or Pap smear. One of causes of the low participation of women was the perception factor of benefits about early detection of cervical cancer that women have. The aim of this study was to determine the association of benefits perceived to women's participation in early detection of cervical cancer.
Methods: The design of this study was cross-sectional with affordable population were women in several region of Public Health Centre in Bandung City. The sampling technique was consecutive sampling. The sample size was 190. Data collection used questionnaire instrument. Data analysis used chi-square test using SPSS software.
Results: The results of this study indicated that benefits perceived factor was related to women's participation in early detection of cervical cancer (p <0.05) based on age, education, parity, income about early detection of cervical cancer.
Conclusion: Benefits perceived as factor in early detection of cervical cancer needs to be improved in health promotion
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