Background : The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding nationally certainly needs more attention from the government. This happens because exclusive breastfeeding is influenced by various factors, such as factors such as age, occupation, socio-economic education and place of residence, psychosocial factors. Oketani massage is a unique breast treatment that was first popularized by Sotomi Oketani from Japan and has been applied in several countries including Korea, Japan and Bangladesh. Breast milk dams are damming of breast milk due to narrowing of the lactiferous ducts by glands that are not completely emptied or because of abnormalities in the nipples. The flow of breast milk becomes smoother because there is pressure on the alveoli. Oketani breast massage therapy releases the space between the connective tissue of the breast and the pectoralis major muscle which can increase the depth of the breast and increase its base stretch.
Methods : Using published databases, and the cochrane library. randomized controlled trials (RCTs), systematic reviews, or meta-analytical designs, full-text articles are available. Exclusion criteria are irrelevant topics. represent the population. article search is limited to articles published in the last 5 years and full text articles. the keywords used are words whose inclusion criteria are limited.
Results : postpartum mothers who are breastfeeding. Massage technique is a simple way to increase milk production in postpartum mothers. In the previous review, massage techniques to increase breast milk volume. Their treatment was started during the first 12 hours postpartum for three consecutive days, twice a day and 45 minutes per session. For nursing and midwifery practices, massage techniques can be an alternative method to increase milk production, especially in early postpartum mothers.
Conclusion : Oketani breast massage can be used as an easy method. This alternative method can also be recommended for mothers who suffer from breast engorgement. It is recommended to examine the effect of Oketani breast massage therapy simultaneously on breast milk quality and neonatal weight gain in mothers with breast engorgement
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