Relationship between Pregnant Women’s Knowledge and Consumption Pattern of Vegetables and Fruitin at Bandung City


Farhati Farhati
Rika Resmana
Dian Nurhadianti


Background :The period of pregnancy is a special period where the mother not only fulfill the needs of energy and nutrient for herself but also for the needs of the fetus. During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes many changes, both physical, mood, and hormonal, which results in the emergence of various complaints and problems. Lack of vegetables and fruit consumption in pregnant women results in various disorders such as constipation, anemia, increased risk of cancer, and chronic diseases (heart disease, diabetes). The purpose of this study is to describe the level of knowledge of pregnant women and their consumption patterns of vegetables and fruits in the city of Bandung.

Methods :This research was conducted from June to August 2018 using a cross sectional design. The research subjects consisted of 60 pregnant women who were selected by consecutive sampling technique. Knowledge data was taken using a questionnaire, while the consumption patterns of vegetables and fruits were measured using an observation sheet. Descriptive data analysis using frequency tables.

Results :Most of the respondents (33%) were pregnant women aged 25-29 years, with an average age of 29.03 years. Most of them (76%) had a secondary education level, and 43% of the respondents had household income equal to or lower than the UMR (Minimum Regional Income Standard). Most of the respondents (57%) had good knowledge on the importance of vegetable and fruit consumption. Most of the vegetable and fruit consumption patterns are categorized as low, where most of respondents (85%) were not practicing fruit and vegetable consumption in accordance with the recommended balanced nutrition of at least five servings per day.

Conclusion :This study has revealed that pregnant women in the city of Bandung have a good level of knowledge about the importance of vegetable and fruit consumption, but this knowledge has not been followed by the consumption of vegetables and fruits according to WHO recommendations at least 5 servings per day.

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