
Nursyamsiyah Nursyamsiyah
Vera Fauziah Fatah
Metia Ariyanti
Susi Susanti


Background: Stunting is a nutritional problem that threatens the quality of life the next generation. Stunting prevention interventions can be carried out on adolescent girls who are prospective mothers. West Java is the province with the largest population in Indonesia. The proportion of stunting in children under 5 years of age in West Java is on the right of the national percentage curve based on the 2018 Basic Health Research. SMA Aisyiyah Boarding School as a partner is located in Bandung which is the capital city of West Java Province. All students in SMA Aisyiyah Boarding School are girls. Stunting education in adolescents is one of the efforts to accelerate the reduction of stunting by targeting adolescents. This condition is in line with the West Java Zero Stunting Campaign in 2023.

Method: The target of this community empowerment is to increase the knowledge of adolescents. A total of 60 young women participated in this activity. Community empowerment was carried out online through an online meeting platform due to the pandemic condition. Educational media used in this community empowerment were power point (ppt), videos and e-booklets. The method of delivering education was through lectures and discussions. Evaluation of adolescents understanding through pre-posttest. There was an increase in adolescent knowledge as shown by average value of the pre-test at 39.33% while the post-test was 73.33%.

Conclusion: This community empowerment activity has increased adolescent knowledge about stunting prevention.Suggestions for school to be held in collaboration with the community health centre in an effort to promote adolescent health on a regular basis and to further increase adolescent knowledge through community empowerment activity.


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