Background :Teenage pregnancy in Indonesia is relatively high, according to the WHO the incidence of teenage pregnancies is 58 per 1000 teenagers and the Asia Pacific ranks 4th after South Africa. Indonesia is one of the countries in the Asia Pacific region with high teenage pregnancies. According to Risetkesehatandasar there were 77.6 per 1000 adolescents who had become pregnant and 69% of adolescents had given birth, whereas in West Java, there were 126 per 1000 adolescents who had become pregnant and giving birth. One factor that causes high teen pregnancy is low of knowledge. This condition is related to the lack of health education provided by health workers and the amount of information in social media about premarital sexual behavior so that many teenagers engage in deviant sexual behavior and end up in pregnancy.The purpose of this study was to find out the mean and differences in the mean knowledge of adolescents pre and post intervention.
Methode : The research sample was 30 students of Lembang Senior High, West Bandung Regency. Analysis of this study used the Paired Sample T Test.
The results : The results showed that the average at pre test: 70,7 while in the post test: 82.6 There was a statistically significant difference in the mean value of knowledge pre and post test with a value of p <0.05. The mean value of knowledge after intervention was significantly higher than the mean value of knowledge before intervention.
The conclusion : The conclusion of this study is that there are mean differences in pre and post after giving of health education using multimedia. Multimedia is needed as a media to change adolescent knowledge.Suggestions from this study, Giving of health education in adolescents should be given gradually and repeatedly using multimedia to give effect of changing in knowledge. For adolescents, multimedia is an effective media for disseminating information so that it can change knowledge for the better and ultimately have an impact on decreasing premarital sex in adolescents.
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