
Anung Ahadi Pradana
Lindesi Yanti
Alfunnafi’ Fahrul Rizzal
Ni Luh Putu Dian Yunita Sari
Aris Teguh Hidayat
Sri Ayu Rahayu S. Paneo


Background : The increase of older adult population in recent years can lead to an increased risk of negative stigma of aging in society. The negative stigma of aging that appears in society has the risk of providing material and non-material losses to the community in addition to causing frailty in older adults. Several implementations can be done to prevent this, among others, by providing proper health education for health workers.

Methods : The implementation of community empowerment activities carried out online through the zoom application was given to 313 nurses and nursing students on Saturday, October 16, 2021. Participants who took part in the activities were spread over 8 provinces including Banten, West Java, Bali, East Java, Gorontalo, DKI Jakarta, Jambi and South Sulawesi. The topics discussed in the activity include (a) the concept of the negative stigma of aging, (b) 7 factors of healthy aging, (c) the causes of the negative stigma of aging, (d) the prevalence of the negative stigma of aging, (e) Prevention of the negative stigma of aging, (f) Risk factors for injury in older adults, (g) activities that are positive for the body balance of older adults, (h) drugs that increase the risk of injury in older adults, (i) Prevention of risk of injury, (j) Modification of the environment to prevent injury to older adults.

Results : Analysis of activity results showed a significant change (Sig. = 0.000) from community empowerment activities which indicated positive benefits from providing health education about the dangers of negative stigma of aging and the risk of injury to older adults to nurses.


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