
Cikita Guspa Riani
Diyan Indrayani


Background: Labor pain is a normal thing experienced by mothers in labor, but if it can't be controlled it will increase worry and fear so that it hampers the progress of labor. Warm compresses are one of the non-pharmacological pain reduction techniques that can be given to reduce labor pain. This Evidence Based Case Report (EBCR) aims to determine the effect of giving warm compresses to the reduction of labor pain during the active phase of the first stage of labor in women giving birth at the Sukarasa Health Center.

Methods: An article search on the effectiveness of giving warm compresses to mothers in labor was conducted atPubMed library. The keywords used are " influence", “warm compressesâ€, “ANDâ€, “labor painâ€. The search for articles was limited by inclusion criteria, namely articles published in the last 5 years, in the form of full text articles, and according to clinical questions.

Result: Two articles were found including 1 research article using the randomized control trial method by Akbarzadeh, et al and 1 interventional research article by Kaur J et al that met the inclusion and had been screened and then analyzed critically. Based on the two journals that both show evidence that warm compresses have an effect on reducing labor pain in the first stage of the active phase. After critically reviewing the research, it was declared valid, important, and applicable to patients.

Conclusion: Warm compresses show effectiveness in reducing labor pain in the active phase 1, can be used as a reference for applying warm compresses to reduce pain in the active phase of the first stage of labor. So it is hoped that health care facilities can start applying warm compresses to mothers during the first stage of this active phase.


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