
ervin rufaindah
Petemah Petemah


Introduction: Eighty percent (80%) of women complaint headache, sexual problem, tachycardia, hot flushes and insomnia, that are significantly decrease the quality of life.

Method: Objective of the research is to analyze how much the effect of menopause counseling from counselor midwife towards reduction of the symptoms menopause. The study is quasi experiment with pre and post design. The samples were 40 respondents that were divided into two groups. In each group counseling was given twice at intervals of 2 weeks, long counseling per client requirements. The instruments employed were MRS (Menopause Rating Scale) questionnaire. Non parametric and RR value were performed for statistical test.

Results: The result of study indicated that the While menopause mothers who did not receive counseling by a midwife counselor, 2.5 times the risk of having symptoms degree rise or stay when compared with mothers who received counseling by a midwife counselor (RR 2.5).

Conclusion: Based on the study, it was concluded that there was effect of counseling from counselor midwife towards the decrease of menopausal symptoms.


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