
Saur Sariaty
Neneng Widaningsih
Seni Rahayu


Background : Teenagers are a period of transition from children to adults, and in that age range experience various changes including changes in body shape, changes in social status, changes in appearance, changes in attitudes, changes in sex and changes in reproductive organs specifically marked by menstruation (menstruation) ) the first is called menarche. In dealing with menarche, young women need to have optimal readiness to avoid reproductive infections in the future.
The biggest problem now is the lack of information for young women about the readiness to face menarche. so far the school has not included reproductive health material in the learning curriculum specifically. information can only be obtained from the mother, peers and the environment. This of course will result in a lack of readiness of adolescents to face menarche.
Method: Establishment of ambassadors for menarche for peers in their school aged 10-14 years, both those who have and who have not menstruated are 14-20 students both in partner 1 (classes 5 A and B) and partners 2 (C and D). The method includes the provision of material, peer review, peer group strategy, micro teaching, and mentoring and consultation of participants during the IBM process. On giving peer counselors using the "Diary menstruasion" booklet
Result: Increased knowledge of young women about readiness to face menarche, increasing hygienic behavior in adolescent reproductive health, reducing the risk of infectious diseases in women's reproductive tracts, and increasing clean and healthy lifestyle behaviors (PHBS).
Conclusion: Dokcil training in young women who have not menstruate yet increases the readiness of girls in facing menarchs, and counselors in micro teaching activities for their peers.


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