
Surmita Surmita
Rini Sekartini
Aria Kekalih
Aryono Hendarto
Titis Prawitasari
Dian Novita Chandra
Rini Andriani
Roro Nur Fauziyah


Introduction: Complementary feeding period is one the critical period in the first 1000 day of life for stunting prevention. There are many problems found in complementary feeding practices related to low mother’s knowledge , such as too early introduction of complementary feeding, low frequency of complementary feeding, low variety and diversity of food ingredients. Posyandu cadre can help mothers become more knowledgeable about complementary feeding.

Method: Design of this research is one-group pre-post design to measure cadre knowlodge relate to complementary feeding for children 6 – 12 months. Research conducted in West Bandung District in 6 stunting loci villages, Kertajaya, Kertamulya, Mekarjaya, Cihampelas, Sirnajaya and Gunung Halu Villages. Complementary feeding training material focus on complementray feeding for 6 – 12 months. Training conduct online using zoom meeting platform.

Objectives: To analyzed impact of complementary feeding on posyandu cadre knowledge as stunting prevention in children 6 – 12 months.

Result:  Based on paired t-test show that there significant different between pre-test and post-test result on posyandu cadre knowledge (p<0.001).

Conclusion: There are significant effect of posyandu cadre training on knowledge related complementary feeding for 6 – 12 months as stunting prevention in the first 1000 days of life


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