Introduction: This case study is motivated by the increasing number of sectio caesarean deliveries. The number of deliveries using the Sectio Caesarea (SC) method in West Java reached 15.48% of 5,850 people. Problems that arise after sectio caesarea is pain in the incision wound caused by tearing of the tissue. tissue.
Objective : This case study aims to determine the description of nursing care for Mrs. E P3A2 with acute pain problems in the Postpartum Room of AlIhsan Hospital, West Java Province.
Method: The case study method in this scientific paper uses the case study method.
Result: Results after five days of nursing action on Mrs. E with the problem of acute pain can be resolved assisted by non-pharmacological measures. pharmacological deep breath relaxation techniques and the pain scale decreases every day.
Conclusion: The management of deep breath relaxation techniques was able to reduce the pain scale in Mrs. E P3A2 with acute pain problems. It is recommended to the nursing profession to be directly involved in handling care in post SC patients with acute pain problems.
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