Background:The aging process is Often accompanied by a Decrease in physical, psychological and social conditions that berinteraksi with each other. This situation tends to Potentially cause psychosocial problems. Psychosocial problems items, namely psychological or psychological problems that Arise as a result of social change, include: isolated elderly problems (research, physical abuse, psychological disorders, impaired adjustment to changes, changes in interests, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, impaired memory Reviews These problems Often the make families wrong in caring for the elderly, because of limited family knowledge and skills, conflicts between families and the elderly Often occur, the family considers the elderly to be Unruly, problematic while the elderly Consider Reviews their family doesnot understand it and abandon it.
Method:This study aims to Determine the effect of family psychoeducation on low self-esteem and neglect of the elderly, with a sample of all families who have elderly with low self-esteem problems and neglect in Ciseeng, Bogor Regency with Family respondents were 26 people who took care of the elderly at home. The self-esteem of the elderly is assessed using the self-esteem questionnaire from Rosenberg (Rosenberg Self Esteem)
Result: with an average value of 2,663 the which means there is low self-esteem in the elderly. Then the elderly are given a questionnaire about perceived neglect; includes physical neglect, neglect and economic psikological financial or neglect, with the results of 2:56 of the highest value of 4, the which means there is neglect of the elderly. After psychoeducation in the family, the results of 4.941 Showed that psychoeducation had a signifi cant effect on reducing neglect by 61.2 percent (p = 0.000, α = 0,05).
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