Seeking Behavior Treatment of Oral and Dental Health in the Community Kampung Naga Salawu Tasikmalaya


Denden Ridwan
Tiurmina Sirait


Background:  Dental  health  problems  that many  people suffer from are dental caries and periodontal tissue disease. The people of Kampung Naga seek treatment by self-medication and others seek treatment at health centers, paramedics, doctors of practice, and traditional medicine. The purpose of this study was to determine the search behavior of dental and oral disease treatment in Kampung Naga community.

Method: The research method uses a survey method with a qualitative approach.  The sample size is 34 respondents. Sampling technique with an open questionnaire. The qualitative data of respondents through open question answers that have been recorded, transcripted, then coded, the resulting codes are then grouped into categories, the categories are arranged into a single unit, then determined as the main category. The analysis uses open question data, that is, after seeing the answers to open questions the respondent is then compared with the opinions of others on the same question.

Results: The results of the study show that the search behavior for the treatment of dental and oral diseases in Kampung Naga is to use traditional medicines, buy medicines in stalls, and consume drugs from the health center. The reason for choosing your own treatment is based on the experiences of parents and the desire to get well soon. Treatment to the puskesmas, the use of traditional medicines, the drug store is the next choice if the treatment itself is not successful.

Conclusion: The search behavior for the treatment of oral and dental diseases is mostly done by utilizing traditional medicines, buying drugs at drug stores, and taking medicines from the puskesmas, while the use of traditional medicines includes shoots of jengkol, garlic, sap angsana, ginger, bamboo foam, legok jambe, Bandung water spinach, gardenia, kaliki fruit, bamboo shoots.



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