Science And Technology Community Based (IbM) Pursed Lips Breathing Exercises to Reduce Dypnea for Asma and COPD Patients in Al-Ihsan Hospital West Java


Nandang Ahmad Waluya
Sansri Kurnia


Background : This IbM activity is motivated by the high prevalence of asthma and COPD, in the world today there are 235 million people. In Indonesia the prevalence of asthma is 3.32%. Whereas COPD in Indonesia is 2.5% (Oemiati et al., 2010), (Patriani, et al., 2010). COPD and Asthma patients at the time of the attack will experience oxygen disorders due to narrowing of the airway where air is difficult to remove. To overcome this problem, treatment and breathing exercises need to be pursed lip correctly and continuously. The result of research showed that pursed lip breathing was beneficial to reduce shortness of breath (Waluya, et al. 2013) (Avanji and Hajbaghery, 2011). Aim to Increasing the ability of nurses and asthma and COPD patients to breathe pursed lip. The target of the activity was nurses, COPD patients and asthma patients, the patient's family at Al Ihsan Hospital, West Java
Method : The method of implementation is discussion, demonstration and redemonstration with nurses and giving information, demonstrations to families or patients about pursed lip breathing techniques.
Result and Conclusion: The results of increasing knowledge and skills of patients and families of patients regarding pursed lip breathing for Asthma and COPD patients. Implementation of health education pursed lip breathing to asthma and COPD patients in Al Ihsan General Hospital with a target number: 16 nurses, patients: 114 people. Conclusion The benefits of pursed lip breathing have been socialized to patients, families of patients, nurses and PKMRS AL-Ihsan Hospital, Patients and families can demonstrate how to pursed lips breathing exercise. Suggestions This activity is expected to be continued, counseling media leaflets and posters can be officially recommended by the hospital in accordance with applicable regulations.