
Sri Mulyati
Ida Widiawati
Sri Kusmiati
Tati Ruhmawati
Ali Hamzah


Background: Problems in adolescents including physical, psychological, and social problems increase every year. Problems that occur include problems with premenstrual syndrome (PMS), bullying problems, problems in hygiene and healthy living habits. the Covid-19 pandemic has occurred which has caused illness and death. This problem occurs in everyone, including adolescents. The Implementation of youth health packages facilitator was importantly implemented to increase health knowledge and empowerment during the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Methods: A descriptive study of community service activities. Partners have consisted of 48 junior high school students and 50 senior high school students in Lembang City Bandung, West Jawa. The activity consists of fourteen activities during the two-semester.

Results: There is an increase in knowledge about PMS, PHBS, and bullying, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic through the formation of facilitators for youth health packages, Availability of family medicinal plant gardens for the empowerment of school, and establishment of a healthy environment, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.


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