
Athiyah Zahra Silalahi
Diyan Indrayani
Neneng Widaningsih
Kurniaty Ulfah


Introduction: Labor is a physiological process experienced by a woman. Labor pain occurs due to contractions of the uterine muscles in an effort to open the cervix and push the baby's head towards the pelvis. Excessive pain causes anxiety that can inhibit uterine contractions and result in prolongation of the first stage of labor and impaired fetal well-being. The use of a birth ball during labor has been shown to be effective in reducing labor pain. Birth ball is a special ball designed to be safe for laboring mothers that can be used in various positions so that the mother feels relaxed and helps reduce labor pain. Objectives: This evidence-based report aims to determine the effect of birth ball on pain intensity in laboring mothers in the Garuda Health Center Working Area. Method: The search for articles on the effectiveness of birth balls in laboring mothers was carried out in the PubMed and Google Schoolar libraries. The keywords used were "Effect", "Birth ball", "AND", "Labor pain". The search for articles was limited by inclusion criteria, namely articles published in the last 10 years, Randomized Control Trial (RCT), in the form of full text articles, and according to clinical questions. Results: Two research articles using the Randomized Control Trial (RCT) method by Simin, et al and Angelita et al were found that met the inclusion criteria and were screened and critically analyzed. Based on two journals that both show evidence that birth ball has an effect in reducing labor pain. After a critical review, the research was declared valid, important and applicable to patients. Birthball was applied to first-time laboring mothers and the results showed that pain intensity was reduced from NRS scale 6 to scale 2. Birth ball helps position the mother's body optimally and has the effect of reducing pain when the uterus contracts. Conclusion: The use of birth ball is proven to be effective in reducing labor pain during the active phase. The use of birth ball is recommended as an alternative in overcoming pain in laboring mothers


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