Introduction: During pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, the mother experiences various physiological changes that have various risks, so as an effort to prevent these risks, postpartum exercise is carried out. comprehensiveostpartum exercise is carried out. Comprehensive midwifery care is expected to be able to detect, prevent and treat these complications early. The purpose of preparing this final project is to provide comprehensive care by implementing midwifery management.
Method: This report uses case study approach by conducting comprehensive midwifery care for Mrs. T with the application of postpartum exercise at the second postpartum visit.
Objectives: the midwifery care started form February to march 2023 with reseach subject of a woman with gestational age of 39 weeks until the postpartum period with her baby which was carried out at the bayongbong health center, garut regency.
Result: During pregnancy, the client is obese and experiences various psysiological discomforts in the tird trimester, the client’s weight gain is in accordance with the standard of weight gain during pregnancy. No problems were found during labor and newborn care. There is a gap between theory and practice, namely giving antibiotics during the the puerperium with grade 2 perineal tears. During the puerperium it was also found that the client had Diastasis Rectus Abdominis (DRA) so the authors carried out postpartum exercise in order to be able to re-train the abdominal muscles that stretch during pregnancy.
Conclusion: Care for pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and newborns has been carried out according to standards. Service providers are expected to further improve their competence in providing comprehensive midwifery care and early detection to clients who are managed according to evidence based.
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