
Ani Riyani
Eem Hayati


Background: Blood examination in the laboratory consits of 3 stages, namely pre-analytical, analytical and post-analytic. In the analytical stage, quality control is carried out using blood control materials which can be assayed and unassayed control materials. There are commercial and artificial blood control materials assayed. The stability of blood control agents depends on the use of preservative media, such as Alsever. Storage of blood in preservative media is related to changes in the metabolic, biochemical, and biomechanical structure of molecules in blood cells, such as changes in shape, deformability, osmotic fragility, ability to aggregation, and intracellular viscosity of blood cells. The most likely damage is cytoskeletal proteins in the blood cell membranes which can cause blood cells to become brittle, increase osmotic fragility and change electrolyte imbalances. A decrease in ATP in blood cells up to 80-90% during storage will cause changes in the morphology of blood cells. This study aims to analyze the appearance of hematological examination of control blood with the addition of variations in the concentration of artificial Alsever solution and determine the stability of control blood by adding variations in the concentration of artificial Alsever solution.

Methods: The research method used is a laboratory experiment.

Results: The results of the study were tested statistically with the GLM test and it can be concluded that the stability of stored blood with the addition of Alsever concentration variations showed no significant differences for the examination of erythrocyte counts, Hb levels, MCV MCH and MCHC but there were significant differences between Alsever 1, 2 and 3 on leukocyte and thrombocyte tests.

Conclusions: Control blood with the addition of artificial Alsever with variations in concentration can be used to calculate the number of erythrocytes, Hb levels, MCV MCH and MCHC, as well as the number of leukocytes and platelets with stability until day 30 Key words: Artificial Alsever, variation of concentration, control blood, stability.


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