Abstract: In Indonesia, about 90% of women have the potential to experience vaginal discharge because Indonesia has a tropical climate, so fungi are easy to grow which results in many cases of vaginal discharge. Symptoms of vaginal discharge are also experienced by unmarried women or young women aged 15-24 years, which is around 31.8%. This shows that adolescents are more at risk of vaginal discharge (Azizah, 2015). The purpose of this study was to determine whether a charcoal drying cloth can reduce vaginal discomfort. The research will be conducted in two groups: Group 1 is provided with a drying cloth for the feminine area made of charcoal. Group 2 was provided with a drying cloth for the feminine area without charcoal. Which will then be seen changes in knowledge about personal hygiene in both groups after giving health education and drying cloth. From the results of the T test, it was found that the P value was 0.000 <0.05, so it was concluded that there was a difference between the treatment group and the control group regarding the convenience of using a drying cloth. Drying cloth made of charcoal has an effect on the comfort of the female area in adolescents. The comfort of the female area is more felt in the treatment group compared to the control group.
Method: This study used a quasi-experimental design (quasi-experimental research) with a post-test design technique, namely by assessing the comfort aspect after being given treatment in the form of health education about personal hygiene and giving feminine area drying cloths. The research will be conducted in two groups: Group 1 was provided with a drying cloth for the feminine area made from charcoal. Group 2 was provided with a drying cloth for the female area without charcoal. Which will then be seen changes in knowledge about personal hygiene in both groups after giving health education and drying cloth. And it will be seen the effect of the feminine area drying cloth made of charcoal with the female area drying cloth without charcoal on the comfort of the female area.
Results: The questionnaires have been distributed to the research respondents as many as 80 teenage girls. The treatment group was 40 people, the questionnaire was given before and after the use of drying cloth, then observed the behavior of using charcoal drying cloth. The control group was 40 people, questionnaires were given before and after the use of drying cloth, then observed the behavior of using drying cloth without charcoal.
Conclusion: Kain pengering berbahan charcoal berpengaruh terhadap kenyamanan daerah kewanitaan pada remaja. Kenyamanan daerah kewanitaan lebih dirasakan pada kelompok perlakuan dibandingkan dengan kelompok kontrol.
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