
Yulinda Yulinda
Djudju Sriwenda
Yulidar Yanti


Background : The stages of growth and development of adolescents both physically, psychologically and socially progress rapidly, but many adolescents are unable to adjust so that problems arise that have a major impact on the lives of adolescents. Problems that occur include sexual behavior diversion, teenage pregnancy, early marriage, smoking, drug abuse, nutritional problems (obesity, stunting, anemia). Teenager problems occur because of poor family parenting and low knowledge of teenagers.

Methods : The program is designed in the form of community empowerment in the school environment of the Garuda Health Center so that they have independence in solving teenager reproductive health problems. The purpose of community service is to increase the knowledge of teenagers in SMP 1 Pajajaran (partner 1) and SMP YWKA (Partner 2) Bandung City about reproductive health as measured by a questionnaire. Activities are carried out using course, question and answer methods using a booklet guide.

Results : The results of the community service showed an increase in the average knowledge score of 17.5 points for Partner 1 and an increase of 4.5 points for Partner 2. Booklet was used as a tool in Community service activity.


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