
Suar Saryati Pasaribu
Yulinda Yulinda



Background: Dysmenorhoe is a situation in which a woman who wills or is experiencing menstruation feels pain. This cramps-like pain is felt in the lower abdomen, usually starting 24 hours before menstruation begins and lasts until the first 12 hours of menstruation, after which all the discomfort has disappeared. The cause is an imbalance of the hormone progesterone in the blood.Various treatment efforts have been made to alleviate these pain symptoms both pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Non-pharmacological treatments include giving warm compresses, massages, efflurage , distractions, physical exercise, and adequate rest or consuming foods that contain anthocyanins and flavonoids, one of which is the administration of Black Glutinous Tape.

Methods : The research method used is quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest. without control. The sample is 35 female teenage girls (ages 10-19 years) as many as 35 respondents, with a purposive sampling technique. Data analysis consisted of univariate analysis with (mean and standard deviation) and bivariate analysis using the Chi Square test.

Result : showed there was a decrease in the intensity of menstrual pain in female adolescents showed a decrease from pre-test 4.54 to 3.06 post test.

Statistical tests using the Wilcoxon sign rank test obtained a probability value of 0.000, smaller than alpha 0.05.

Conclusion : Giving black sticky rice tape to Teenage girls who reduce dysmenorrhea as a snack can reduce fatigue as a non- pharmacological alternative.



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