Introduction: One of the physical changes that is often experienced during menopause is joint pain which occurs due to hormonal changes, declining of estrogen. This causes damage to the collagen matrix and results in cartilage damage, causing osteoarthritis.
Join pain can be cured by pharmacological or non-pharmacological therapy. The use of warm compresses, regular exercise, acupuncture, and consuming herbal products as nonpharmacological therapy that have been trusted for their efficacy. Lemongrass can help reduce pain and discomfort due to its analgesic propertiy. Phytonutrients found in lemongrass can improve blood circulation. (Kurniawati, 2010). There is an effect of giving warm compresses using grated red ginger (Zingiber officinale roscoe var rubrum) to reduce the pain in patients with gouty arthritis
Objectives: to determine the effectiveness of warm water compresses, lemongrass decoction compresses and red ginger decoction compresses on reducing pain in premenopause
Method: The research was quasi experiment with pre and posttest approach with control group design. Sampling using porposive sampling technique. The sample was 26 respondents for each group (78 respondents). Pain measurement using Visual Analog Scales (VAS). Respondents were given treatment for 15 minutes a day 2 times for 15 days
Result: showed that the average decrease in pain in the serei group was > 0.1 compared to the ginger group and > 0.6 compared to the warm water group. The pre-test and post-test pain reduction scores in the serei warm compress, red ginger warm compress and warm water compress groups have a p value <0.01.
Conclusion: There is a significant difference in pre-test and post-test pain reduction scores in all treatments with a p value <0.01 but there is no significant difference in pain reduction for all treatments with a p value> 0.05. The use of non-pharmacologic therapy can be an alternative in joint pain therapy.
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