Background :Self-confidence is an intrinsicelement in the formation of competencies. Midwifery students are prospective midwives in the future who must be prepared to become professionals who master their competence. Childbirth care is one of the midwive score competencies that must be established in midwifery students. Childbirth practice care learning in the laboratory will support the achievement of these competencies in clinical practice. The data show that midwives' self-confidence in carrying out childbirth care is still low so that it influences the formation of their competencies. The description of the students’ confidence level in childbirth care practice in the laboratory needs to be studied as an initial description in the formation of these competencies. This study aims to describe the level of students’ confidence in the practice of childbirth care in the laboratory.
Methods :This study used a cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used was total sampling, namely the fourth semester midwifery students at the Bandung Midwifery Department with a total of 64 students. The data were obtained using a self-confidence questionnaire. The analysis used was a univariate descriptive analysis by displaying the frequency distribution table describing the level of self-confidence of students in practicingchildbirth care in the laboratory.
Results :Some respondents (50%) already have confidence in the practice of childbirth care, there are 18.8% of students who are very confident and 31.2% of respondents who are still not confident.
Conclusion :Respondents who had confidence in doing childbirth care are more than respondents who had not confidence.
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