
Lola Noviani Fadilah
Neneng Widaningsih


Background: The adolescent is an important stage in individual development. This relates to various challenges due to changes in both physical, psychological and social. One of the challenges for the teenagers is high curiosity in various new behaviors, both positive and negative, including risky behavior. Functional (normal) families and implementing a democratic parenting pattern are one of the efforts to prevent these challenges. The parenting pattern in its implementation requires effective communication between parents and adolescents. The integration of Mosi-Raja as a communication model about risky sexual behavior between parents and adolescents can be implemented as an effort to increase the effectiveness of communication. The study aimed to analyze the effect of Integration Mosi-Raja as a communication model about risky sexual behavior on the effectiveness of communication between parents and adolescent. 

Method: The research design used a quasi-experimental method with pre-test and post-test control group design. The sample of the study was parents of junior high school students in a sample size of 21 people each group.             Pretest was given to all groups, the treatment group used integrated Mosi-Raja as a communication model about risky sexual behavior while the control group was given reading material in the form of a booklet and then a post test was carried out. The instrument used is a communication effectiveness questionnaire using a Likert scale that is valid and reliable. Data analysis with unpaired t test and Mann Whitney U. 

Result: The results showed p<0.05 in effectiveness of communication between parents and adolescents on the post-test of treatment and control groups. 

Conclusion: Integration of Mosi-Raja as a communication model about risky sexual behavior can affect the effectiveness of communication between parents and adolescents. 


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