
Lidya Tara
Lola Noviani fadilah


Background: Asthma is a condition in which the airways are narrowed due to hypersensitivity to certain stimuli that cause inflammation, this narrowing is recurrent and between episodes of bronchial narrowing there is a more normal ventilation state. This narrowing is due to the contraction of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract, swelling of the mucous membranes, and the formation of excessive mucus deposits. How to deal with asthma is by pharmacological and non-pharmacological. One way of non-pharmacological management to reduce asthma is to provide massage action, it will increase the feeling of comfort and reduce tightness because the lung muscles will be able to move freely. This EBCR aims to determine the effectiveness of massage in children with asthma.

Method: Used in writing EBCR is by searching for evidence through databases from the Pub Med, Google Scholar, science direct, and Willey databases with the year published on May 21, 2017. The massage is done on the back for about 2 minutes at each point and can repeat the massage at the same point. same after 5 minutes.

Result: Massage has a significant positive and effective effect on reducing asthma in     children. It is proven that children feel more relaxed and comfortable and reduce pain after being given massage therapy. 

Conclusion: Massage has a significant positive and effective effect on reducing asthma in children.



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