Background : The period of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and newborn is a physiological condition. However, normal conditions can become pathological so that every pregnant woman has a risk of experiencing complications. One condition that can cause complications is a high-risk pregnancy. Some categories of high-risk pregnancies are too young, too old, too close, and too many. With comprehensive midwifery care, midwives can perform early detection of complications that occur both during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and newborns.
Methods : The aim of this case report is to provide comprehensive midwifery care for high risk pregnancies. The process of childbirth and the puerperium went normally without complications.
Results :The client uses a depo progestin injection contraception device and the baby has received Hb0, BCG and Polio I immunizations and has gained 800 grams of weight. Conclussion : Optimal comprehensive midwifery care can prevent complications.
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