
Eem Hayati
Iis Kurniati
Yeni Wahyuni


Background: Protein is one group of macronutrient materials that play a more important role in the formation of biomolecules than the energy source. However, if the bacteria is lack of energy, then this protein can also be used as an energy source. Protein in the side dishes are found in animal products derived from various types of egg meat, fish and milk, then in nuts such as, soybeans, red beans, green peas, peanuts. Based on the determination of protein content in red beans using the Kjeldhal method On every 100 g of red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) contains protein nutrients (23 g) and carbohydrates (61 g), fat (1.5 g), Calcium (260 mg), phosphorus (260 mg), sodium (15 mg).

Methods : On laboratory tests for N.gonorrhoeae one of them is with growth media, the sample is isolated on special media, for example Chocolate agar medium, Thayer Martin or Modified Thayer Martin media. N.gonorrhoeae is best grown on media containing complex organic substances such as heated blood, hemin, protein and in air spaces containing 5% CO2. This study aims to determine whether red beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L) can be used as a source of soy substitute protein (Glycine max) that can grow N.gonorrhoeae. This study used One Way Anova Statistical Test to know the average difference between the experimental and control groups.

Results : The results of colony growth analysis in this study can be concluded that Chocolate Agar agar using Red Beans can be used as an alternative medium of growth of N.gonorrhoeae and concentration

Conclusion : Red Beans can be used as an alternative medium of growth of N.gonorrhoeae The minimum effective concentration of red beans to grow N.gonorrhoeae is 5.2 grams.


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