
Dian Nur Hadianti
Saur Sariaty
Ferina Ferina


Background. Adolescents need information about the changes that occur in themselves. However, teenagers often feel uncomfortable or taboo to discuss issues of sexuality and reproductive health with parents or teachers. They feel more comfortable when they are discussing with their friends. Peers or peer groups have an influence on the lives of adolescents. The influence given by peer groups varies from information, advice, or sharing experiences about their teenage life. Adolescents need to be prepared so as to have an adequate understanding of reproductive health. The aim of this community service was formed Adolescent Reproductive Health Ambassador group at SMPN 40 Bandung who first partner namely Palang Merah Remaja (PMR) members of class eight and nine as many as 13 people, and second partner namely PMR members of class seven as many as 10 people.

The method implemented is in accordance with management, namely the preparation, implementation and monitoring of evaluation activities. Preparatory activities were carried out by holding workshops on module preparation, assessment and licensing, then the formation and formation of the KRR ambassadors, followed by the assistance of the KRR ambassadors, as well as monitoring the evaluation of the implementation of the KRR Ambassadors by the community service team.

The results of this PkM activity were the formation of Adolescent Reproductive Health Ambassadors consisting of PMR members of class eight and nine as many as 13 people, and second partner namely PMR members of class seven as many as 10 people, who had been trained by the PkM team, as well as the implementation of partner KRR Ambassador 2 assistance conducted by Ambassador KRR Partner 1 and accompanied by a PkM team, students and teacher of SMPN 40 Bandung.

Conclusion.Teenagers are forerunners for new life in the future. Adolescent health status, especially reproductive health and healthy sexual behavior during adolescence encourage a generation of quality.



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12. Tribun Jabar, Bandung, Rabu 10 Pebruari 2016

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