
Yulinda Yulinda
Dian Nur Hadianti
Ida Widiawati


Background: Efforts to reduce maternal mortality rate (MMR) can be done through preventive and promotive efforts by involving all elements in the community and carried out continuously and consistently. The strategy  is by holding a prenatal class. Prenatal classes aimed at increasing the understanding of women, couples and families about preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, labor and childbirth and the care of newborns. Prenatal classes or maternal classes need to be managed by a facilitating team consisting of several people who have a comitent, skills and mastery of the material through training. The aims of this community service is to form facilitator team for prenatal class in Tanjunglaya Village.

Methode: The method implemented is in accordance with management, namely preparation, implementation and monitoring of evaluation activities. Preparatory activities were carried out by organizing workshops on module preparation, assessment and licensing. Then the implementation of the formation and training of facilitator teams was followed by prenatal class mentoring, as well as monitoring evaluation of the implementation of prenatal classes conducted by the community service team.

Result : The results of the community service activities were the formation of prenatal class facilitator team consisting of cadre who had been trained by the community service team, as well as the implementation of prenatal class mentoring carried out by the facilitating team and accompanied by the community service team, students and midwives in Tanjunglaya village, Cikancung District.

Conclusion : Community service was carried out in the form of forming a team of facilitators from the health cadre of Tanjunglaya Village, Cikancung District. The facilitator team was provided with training for class facilitators for pregnant women. Furthermore, the facilitating team provided assistance to the classes of pregnant women in the Tanjunglaya Village, Cikancung District.


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