
Titi Legiati
Diyan Indrayani


Background: Nausea and vomiting or commonly known as emesis gravidarum is a common symptom of pregnancy that occurs in 70% of pregnant women. Currently, there are still pregnant women who have negative behavior to overcome nausea and vomiting so that it can endanger the health of the mother and the growth of fetus. The role of cadres as assistan is to improve knowledge and positive attitudes of pregnant women, so that it is expected to reduce delays in decision making to access maternal and child health services. While the role of cadres in providing education and assistance to pregnant women is still not optimal, they only do the weighing and recording and they are still very dependent on health workers due to the lack of knowledge and skills of cadres. The purpose of this community partnership program is to optimize assistance of cadres in improving the self-efficacy of pregnant women to overcome emesis gravidarum.                    

Methods: Community partnership program was carried out in working area of  Puskesmas Sukajadi kota Bandung from January to December 2022. The partners ware cadres from several RW in that place as many as 10 people. The implementation of community partnership program was carried out in 7 activities. Cadre received training on emesis gravidarum and socialization of "Video Sahabat Ibu Hamil" as a media of education and assistance to pregnant women who have nausea and vomiting (emesis). Cadres who have been given training, then provide education and assistance to pregnant women who have nausea and vomiting (emesis). Measurement of knowledge, skills and self-efficacy of pregnant women using questionnaire.                      

Result: The results of this activity showed an improvement of  knowledge and skills of cadres after being given training and ability of cadres in assistance pregnant women who have nausea and vomiting (emesis) which can be seen from the improvement self-efficacy of pregnant women to overcome  nausea and vomiting (emesis).

Conclusion: The training given to cadres about nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (emesis gravidarum) can improve the ability of cadres as assistant so that pregnant women can improve their self-efficacy to overcome nausea and vomiting (emesis).


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