
Diyan Indrayani
Titi Legiati


Introduction: The prevalence of anemia in Indonesia is still high and pregnant women are very susceptible to iron deficiency anemia. If this is not treated it will result in complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the risk of stunting. Efforts to treat anemia include early detection and supplementation of Iron tablets, but compliance of pregnant women in consuming it is only 38.1%. Effective educational strategies are needed to increase maternal knowledge and compliance in consuming iron tablets. Cadres have an important role in accompanying pregnant women to increase knowledge and compliance in consuming Iron tablets.

Objectives: The aim of this partnership program is to increase the knowledge and skills of cadres to assist pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets as well as increasing knowledge and compliance in consuming Iron tablets.

Method: The community partnership program is a community service activity carried out in the work area of the Sukajadi Community Health Center, Bandung City from January to October 2023. The partners are 15 cadres and 15 pregnant women in the second and third trimesters. This partnership program is implemented in 14 activities. Cadres receive training about anemia and its prevention as well as skills material for providing education to pregnant women. The booklet "Anemia in Pregnant Women and its Prevention" is used as an educational medium for assisting pregnant women. Cadres who have been given training then provide education and assistance to pregnant women and monitor pregnant women's compliance in consuming Iron tablets. Evaluation of this activity is by measuring cadres' knowledge before and after training, observing cadres' skills in providing education to pregnant women and measuring pregnant women's knowledge and compliance with taking Iron tablets.

Result:  The results of the activity showed an increase in cadre knowledge scores before and after the training. Cadres have skills in providing education to pregnant women. Apart from that, the knowledge of pregnant women about anemia and its prevention has increased and the compliance of pregnant women in taking blood supplement tablets for 1 month is 100%.

Conclusion: education and assistance to pregnant women in consuming blood supplement tablets is very important. Providing training to cadres about anemia and its prevention can increase knowledge of pregnant women and compliance of pregnant women in consuming Iron tablets.


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