Background: Pain during labor is uncomfortable and can cause anxiety. In the labor process, when anxiety occurs it can cause weakness in uterine contractions, so that cervical dilatation does not increase. One method to reduce pain non-pharmacologically in this case can be using the Rebozo technique.
Methods: The mehods is Evidence Based Case Report (EBCR). The article search was carried out on May 17, 2021 using the databases Pubmed, Google Scholar, Sciene Direct, and Cochrane Library. The keywords used are words that represent the population, namely rebozo tehnique and Labor. Search articles are limited to those published in the last 5 years and articles full text. After being read as a whole,can be used 3 articles. Then, the patient will be measured pain scale using Numeric rating scale (NRS) and Wong Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale.
Results: Before given intervention on the patient's pain scale was on a scale of 7-10 or severe pain. Then after the intervention was in mild pain.
Conclusion: Rebozo Technique Intervention on Mrs. A is able to reduce pain and progress Mrs. A's delivery was quite good.
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