
Titi Legiati PS
Diyan Indrayani


Background:Adolescence is critical period that is transition from children to adults. At the present, age of adolescent dating at a younger, while they do not have adequate life skills. Sexual risk behavior among adolescents is caused by identity crisis, lack of knowledge and lack of parents attention, bad relationships and wrong information The strategy for avoiding sexual risk behavior in adolescents is give health education. The Information Motivation Behavior Model explains how to make healthy behavior through information, motivation and skills improvement. Metode:The aim of this study was to determine the effect of health education with the Information Motivation Behavior Skill model approach to adolescent knowledge about preventing risky sexual behavior. This research used quasi experiment with pre post test design. The sample was 37 adolescent with 15-18 years old. Paired T-test was used to analyze. Booklet health education with the Information Motivation Behavior Skill model approach was used in this research. Result:The results showed that majority of respondents were female, most of respondent had a boyfriend or girlfriend. There was significant differences of knowledge between pre and posttest.Conclusion:Health education with the Information Motivation Behavior Skill model approach had an effect on increasing adolescent knowledge about preventing risky sexual behavior. It can be given to adolescents in extracurricular activities to increase information, motivation and skills to prevent sexual risk behaviors.


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