Comprehensive Midwifery Care on Mrs. N and Baby Low Birth Weight (LBW) in the Working Area Of Public Health Center Samarang Garut Regency
Introduction: The period of pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, and neonates is a physiological state but has various risks, one of the efforts that can be made to reduce these risks is to apply a comprehensive midwifery care model. Comprehensive midwifery care can optimize the detection of maternal and neonatal high-risk, one of which is Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR), where IUGR lead to Low Birth Weight (LBW).
Method: The method used is in the form of a case study conducted from January 2023 to March 2023 at the Samarang Health Center, Garut Regency.
Objectives: This case study involved Mrs. N with a gestational age of 39-40 weeks and Mrs. N's Baby.
Result: The client detected IUGR when examined by the author during 39 weeks of pregnancy, the author provided education to increase his nutritional intake, but this was not optimal because within 5 days the client had entered the labor phase. The baby was born at a low weight (2200 grams), and the author provided care through exclusive breastfeeding, kangaroo method treatment, and newborn massage with the final result that there was a significant increase in weight.
Conclusion: At the postpartum visit, the mother is in good health and the baby's birth weight increases by 900 grams from the day of birth. The results of the care provided have good results.
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