Background: The postpartum period is a time for the restoration of the reproductive organs to their pre-pregnancy condition. One of the problems that often occurs in postpartum mothers is perineal rupture. Betel leaves are known to have chemical content that acts as an antiseptic and antibacterial drug, in addition betel leaves also contain chemicals as anti-inflammatories that are good for mothers who experience perineal wounds, which can help accelerate perineal wound healing.
Objectives: This study aimed to apply the administration of boiled betel leaves to postpartum women with second-degree perineal tears at the Rancaekek DTP Health Center.
Method: Systematic searching was conducted to find the best literature before implementing the intervention. The intervention was given to Mrs. R P3A0 postpartum with a second-degree perineal suture wound. The formula given was 25 grams of betel leaves added to 100 ml of water and boiled for 15 minutes. Then filtered and the boiled water was used to clean the vulva in the morning and evening. Perineal wound healing was evaluated daily using the REEDA questionnaire.
Results: The results of the first day's evaluation obtained a REEDA score of 9, day 2 score 4, day 3 score 3, and day 4 REEDA score 0 which means the wound healed. Thus, the healing of the perineal wound in Mrs. R took place in 4 days.. Betel leaf decoction is effective in accelerating the healing of stitches in Mrs. R.
Conclusion: The use of betel leaves decoction can be used as an effective alternative for perineal wound care.
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