Introduction: Prolonged labor is labor that lasts more than 24 hours for primigravida and or 18 hours for multigravida. Prolonged labor is one of several causes of maternal and newborn mortality. As labor progresses, contractions become more frequent, longer and stronger in intensity. Adequate contractions are needed so that labor can take place normally. Nipple stimulation is one way that can be used in increasing uterine contractions. Nipple stimulation causes the breasts to become aroused which causes the intensity of uterine contractions due to the stimulation of the receptors to loosen. This action can be stopped if the contractions experienced have become strong and prolonged. This method is a cost beneficial and effective alternative to induction and augmentation of labor.
Objectives:To evaluate effectiveness of nipple stimulation on labor
Method: Electronic database literature searches, namely Pubmed and Google Scholar.
Result: Two articles were selected from the literature search and then critically reviewed. Based on the study of Gulbahtiyar Demirel and Hanan Ibrahim et al, it was found that nipple stimulation is effective in reducing the induction of elective labor and there is an effect of nipple stimulation on the progress of labor in laboring women.
Conclusion: In this case, nipple stimulation was effective on the progress of labor in laboring mothers.
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