
Suar Saryati
Dewi Purwaningsih


A good university will build its image in the community, one of which is determined by the quality of its graduates. The role of alumni in improving the quality of study programs is an important thing that cannot be separated from the needs of study program managers, good alumni contributions to thought and financial contributions to study programs will affect the development of higher education. One of the efforts to improve the quality of alumni is through evaluating the role of alumni of Higher Education (HEI), through alumni tracing (Tracer Study). In this millennial era, the relationship between the two parties can be easily realized with an information system, one of which is through the Application.

The research method used is research and development (R&D). Data collection is done using observation and interview methods. Applications that have been made will be tested both content validity and ussable trials. After the application design is revised, a tracer study of the alumni of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung is carried out through the application. Data collection instruments use observation guidelines and interview guides. In year 1, validity test interviews were conducted with 30 alumni. Data analysis with quantitative in the form of frequency distribution and qualitative analysis. The targeted output is the existence of an application-based trucer study application and trucer study results. The current proposed TKT is 2 and the final TKT is 3.

The results of the Web Tracer Study research have several features and displays that are adjusted to the results of the FGD. The results of the usability test of the application show that most of the managers of the Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung alumni agree that this Web Tracer Study is a Web Tracer Study that is easy to use, easy to remember, efficient, has good security and alumni are satisfied with the Web Application.


Anisa Nur Hidayati, Design Analysis of Application-Based Tracer Study Information System Using Codeigniter, Informatics Engineering Education Study Program Fakultas Teknik Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, 2014.

Elviza Diana, Analysis and Design of Tracer Ttudy Information System Based on Mediasisfo Application Vol. 11, no. 2, issn: 1978-8126 e-issn: 2527-7340, 2017.

Martini.D, Rindu P, Tracer Study Analysis to Assess the Profile of Alumni Graduates of the Unesa Informatics Engineering S1 Study Program, JEISBI: Volume 02 Number 04, Journal of Emerging Information Systems and Business Intelligence, 2021

Muhammad Rizka, Analysis and Design of APPLICATION-Based Tracer Study Information System, Infomedia Journal Vol. 3 No. 2, 2018.

Syafiq, A. and Fikawati, S. 2016. Tracer Study Methodology and Management.Rajagrafindo Persada Publisher. Jakarta.

Research Team. 2014. ITB Tracer Study Report 2014 - Class of 2007. ITB Career Center. Bandung

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