The postpartum period is the period after childbirth, starting from the time of completion of labor until the womb is restored to its pre-pregnancy state and the length of the postpartum period is approximately 6 weeks. Perineal tears that exceed a first-degree tear must be stitched, resulting in perineal pain after giving birth. Pain is a very subjective feeling of discomfort and only the person who experiences it can explain and evaluate this feeling. Some mothers experience anxiety after giving birth as the biggest obstacle, such as fear of open stitches, embarrassment, or feelings of pressure. Anxiety itself can cause increased pain. The muscles become tense because of this, causing the perineal wound pain to become more pronounced.
Method: The method used is searching for evidence through databases from Google Scholar, PubMed, and Cochrane which were published in 2018-2023.
Objectives: To determine the effect of music therapy on pain and anxiety in postpartum mothers.
Result: The results of the case report show that music therapy reduces pain and anxiety during postpartum.
Conclusion: Music Therapy reduces pain and anxiety in postpartum mothers.
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