Introduction: Implementing Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) among Indonesian adolescents is still low due to a lack of knowledge. The impact of this quiet MHM practice is the risk of reproductive tract infections, so various educational efforts are needed to improve the knowledge and skills of adolescents in MHM practices.
Objectives: to identify educational interventions to improve adolescent girls' menstrual hygiene.
Method: This study used a systematic literature review method with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) approach in selecting articles from various previous studies. Research articles were obtained by accessing six electronic databases published in 2013-2023 with a population of adolescent girls. Fifteen papers that met the criteria were received.
Results: Menstrual health education interventions carried out individually were the use of bibliotherapy, and in groups were peer education and snakes and ladders edutainment, while in mass were counselling, lectures and demonstrations. Educational interventions in terms of the media used were printed media, including bibliography, index card matches, modules, pocketbooks, leaflets, booklets, and electronic media, namely slides and videos.
Conclusion: The educational interventions improved MHM's knowledge, attitudes, and practices, and each intervention carried out had different results in each improvement aspect. The most widely used method was peer education, and the most commonly used media were videos and leaflets.
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