
Rika Resmana
Dian Nur Hadianti
Farhati Farhati


Abstract Background : Midwives carry out various physiological efforts so that mothers can experience childbirth that implements maternal care and in accordance with the professional concept or philosophy of midwives who believe that pregnancy and childbirth are natural / physiological processes. Non-pharmacological physiological practices are needed to improve the progress of labor and are effective in reducing pain. A technique that can be used to accelerate the position of labor and movement of woman. One of the movement that can be used by doing pelvic rocking techniques. Pelvic rocking techniques can reduce tension in the lower back,discomfort and pain, speed up the progress of labor, reduce medical intervention and improve mother's comfort and satisfaction.   Methods : The type of research conducted in this study is quantitative research with analytical     research methods. The design used quasy experiment using the control group (post test only, nonequivalent control group design), non random data collection. The study sample amounted to 60 people, with 30 peoples in intervention group and 30 peoples in control group. The sampling method used purposive sampling and the instrument used an observation sheet.   Results : The independent t-test results showed that there were significant differences in the average second stage of labor between groups of women who applied pelvic rocking techniques and groups of women who did not apply pelvic rocking techniques with a value <0.05 (0.034). The average time of second birth in the maternity group who did not apply the pelvic rocking technique was 45 minutes with a standard deviation of 29,184 minutes, and the maternity group applying the pelvic rocking technique was 33 minutes with a standard deviation of 19,944 minutes. Mothers who do not apply pelvic rocking during labor will experience a second stage longer. Midwives as birth attendants should apply pelvic rocking techniques or other techniques that can affect the progress of labor.   Conclusion : Mothers who do not apply pelvic rocking during labor will experience a second stage longer. Midwives as birth attendants should apply pelvic rocking techniques or other techniques that can affect the progress of labor. 

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