Education Increasing Knowledge and Inherent Rights of Cauder and Women of Childbearing Age in the Treatment of Cancer


Yulidar Yanti
Sri Wisnu Wardhani
Riana Pascawati
Samsiah Samsiah


Introduction: Cervical cancer is one of the biggest health problems in Indonesia and is the second highest cause of death after cardiovascular disease. The high number of cervical cancer sufferers is partly caused by a lack of awareness in efforts to prevent and control cervical cancer. One way to prevent it is by providing health literacy outreach about cervical cancer to the public in the form of health education. Mortality rates and high health costs can be reduced with effective early detection, one of which is by carrying out an IVA test. To reduce the risk of women getting cervical cancer, an awareness movement is needed about the dangers of cervical cancer.

Method: The community empowerment program was carried out in the Antapani sub-district area of Bandung City by providing education about cervical cancer to 10 cadres and 10 women of childbearing age

Objective: Increase knowledge about cervical cancer and independent participation of cadres and women of childbearing age to carry out IVA test.

Results: The results of community service show an increase in the average knowledge score of 2.8 points for WUS and an increase of 3.8 points for Mitra Cadre. There is a significant difference in the pretest and posttest knowledge scores for both the women of childbearing age group and the cadre group with a p value <0.05. There has been an increase in independent participation in IVA Test examinations from 1 person to 20 people.

Conclusion: Health education using booklets as an alternative can be used as an alternative to increase knowledge about cervical cancer


Keywords: Knowledge, independent participation, cervical cancer prevention


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