
Neneng Widaningsih
Saur Saryati
Seni Rahayu Sunarya


Background:Adolescence is a period of transition from child to be adult. The alteration in reproductive organs of adolescents are specifically characterized by the first menstruation (menarche). The biggest problem at this time is the lack of information in preparing themselves for menarche on adolescents, which has an impact on the low knowledge of adolescents in dealing with menarche and problems. Reproductive health counseling is the one of method that can be used to increase the knowledge of young women in preparing themselves for facing menarche to avoid the possibility of reproductive infectious diseases in the future. This study aims to determine the effect of reproductive health counseling on the level of knowledge of young women in dealing with menarche in Cimahi City Elementary School in 2017.

Methode:The research method used was quasi-experimental with pre & post test design without control. Samples were 33 young women in Cipageran Mandiri 2 Elementary School in Cimahi City, with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis consisted of univariate analysis with (mean and standard deviation) and bivariate analysis using the dependent t test.

Result :The research results showed that there was increase in the average level of knowledge of adolescents before counseling 67.70 to be 97.48 after counseling. The results of statistical tests showed that there is an effect of reproductive health counseling on the knowledge of young women in facing up of menarche (p value = 0,000). Knowledge of adolescents knowing reproductive health always needs to be improved, this will have an impact on the maturity of young people's readiness to face menarche.

Conclusion :Health counseling about menstruation can affect the level of knowledge of young women in dealing with menarche. Furthermore, it needs to be analyzed more deeply about the factors that influence the knowledge of young women in dealing with menarche.


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