
Santi Sofiyanti
Yulia Ulfah


Background: Health technology transformed rapidly during the pandemic and telehealth has become urgent. Application of telehealth in midwifery practice that has been developed and used as counseling (Tele-counseling) media in Indonesia is HaloBid.  

Objectives: This study aimed to measure the midwives readiness to use Halobid using the technology readiness index (TRI).

Method: This cross-sectional study included midwives who were recorded as members of the West Java Midwives Association. The four dimensions of readiness, the optimism, innovativeness, discomfort, and insecurity, were measures using the  TRI. The instruments used were adopted from the Parasuraman study.

Results: 32 midwives which followed halobid socialization were included with purposive technique. The results showed that the midwives readiness of using the Halobid was considered low with a TRI score of 2.51. The lowest score was insecurity and the highest score was optimism, with the average 2.71.  

Conclusion: In this study the dimensions of innovativeness and discomfort became the main concern and should interfere. The midwifery association should provide guidance for monitoring and evaluating the readiness of their members to use Halobid as the telecounseling media.


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