
Bania Mandalin
Djudju Sriwenda
Yulia Ulfah
Ida Widiawati


Background: Pain that is felt varies with a person's pain response.  Non-pharmacological intervention is given in the form of acupressure by applying pressure to the SP6 and GB21 points whose function is to block the pain nerves and reduce the pain during contractions that the mother feels. Acupressure is effective to do before labor.

Methods: Evidence base case report (EBCR) through a literature search in several articles, namely Pubmed and Google Scholar.

Result And Discussion: Pressing is done with a clockwise rotation with a maximum count of 30 massages at both GB21 and SP6 points, from the case report shows that acupressure reduces labor pain, as seen from the results of the pain scale assessment (Numeric Rating Scale) which decreases.

Conclusion: The application of acupressure at points SP6 and GB21 was carried out in laboring women in stage 1, carried out during contractions, and effective in reducing labor pain, especially in stage 1.



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