The Pre-Eclampsia Mothers, Spouses And Health Worker’s Voice On Eclampsia Prevention
Introduction: The lack of knowledge, attitudes and behaviours that must be understood by mothers who have preeclampsia and their partners have a considerable role in the occurrence of cases of maternal death due to eclampsia.
The study aimed to determine the Voice (level of needed information, communication and education needs, as well as coordination) of pre-eclampsia mothers, spouses and healthcare on preventing eclampsia.
Research methods; The cross-sectional design, with the population and samples of preeclampsia mothers, Spouses and health workers (midwives). The sampling technique is proportional Public Health Centers (PHC).
Results: Of the 60 pregnant mothers with preeclampsia, the category is urgently needed (SD) namely other danger signs of pregnancy by 76.7%, preparation for childbirth financing by 76.7%, fulfilment of nutrition during pregnancy by 76.7% and reasons for giving birth at home sick by 77.2%. Meanwhile, 26 pairs of pregnant women all showed >80% of the level of their urgently needed needs, with the most significant statement items being the causes of preeclampsia and eclampsia, what husbands should do, nutritional fulfilment of pregnant women and information on the telephone number of officers, each of which was 96.2%. Health workers (midwives) who are urgently needed (SD) are an understanding of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia 82.1%, the explanation of why they have to take medicine is 82.1%, the frequency of pregnancy check-up visits is 78.6%, and the nutritional fulfilment of pregnant women is equal to 78.6%.
Conclusions: The Voice of pre-eclampsia mothers, spouses and health workers on preventing eclampsia is very high. It is necessary to develop a need-based approach model to prevent eclampsia using user-friendly applications
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