
Binda emillya tari Agusthea
Ida widiawati
Rika resmana


Background: During the first stage of labor, there is a process of dilatation, namely the   contraction of the uterus which causes the cervical ostium to open and move the fetus towards the birth canal. The contractions that occur will cause the pain that starts from the lower back area and then spreads to the mother's lower abdomen. The efforts to relieve the labor pain can use the pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods. One of the non-pharmacological efforts is physical the therapy using the birth ball method.

Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of Birthing Ball on decreasing the intensity of pain experienced by mothers in labor.

Methods : This study uses a literature review method.

Result :  The results of this study indicate that the application of evidence based in reducing the intensity of pain in inpartu mothers using a birth ball is considered effective. This can be seen from the results of pain scale measurements conducted before and after the intervention. In the pre-test results, it was concluded that the mother experienced pain at number 7 which means severe pain. Meanwhile, after the intervention, and the post-test was carried out, the mother's score was at number 6 which means moderate pain. In plain view, it can be concluded that there is a decrease in pain intensity on Mrs.Rani after the intervention.

Conclusion : The Birth Ball method has an effect on decreasing the pain in maternal labor.


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Pekanbaru Tahun 2017.

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