Introduction: Maternal health is a key indicator of community welfare as measured by the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). One of the problems with maternal mortality is caused by prolonged labor. Non-pharmacological action in the form of back massage is an important consideration in health services that can be utilized more optimally. This evidence-based case report aims to find out the effectiveness of back massage to increase contractions in the active phase of the first stage of labor.
Method: Article search using Pubmed and Google Scholar databases. Found 2 articles chosen one according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and has been screened previously, then reviewed critically.
Result: Based on studies by Kursih Sulastriningsih, et al and Adinda Putri Sari Dewi, et al, it was found that back massage is effective in increased contractions in the first stage of labor in the active phase.
Conclusion: Back massage will speed up the work of the parasympathetic nerves in stimulating the posterior pituitary to release oxytocin which can have a relaxing effect. The relaxation experienced by the mother stimulates the brain to reduce levels of the hormone adrenaline and increase the production of oxytocin, which is a factor in producing adequate uterine contractions. Having adequate contractions can cause the cervix to flatten and open. Back massage has been suggested as an effective, inexpensive, non-pharmacological way to induce labor and increase contractions to speed up the progress of labor.
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